Our Jimmy Jib 6-18 packages are meticulously crafted for immediate deployment, equipped with all the state-of-the-art features you expect. What truly sets us apart is our Emmy award-winning crew, whose thousands of hours of experience span every genre. Whether it's studio multicam productions or dynamic field operations, our team is not just there to capture the shots but to bring visionary ideas and meticulous attention to detail. With tactical precision and flawless execution, we transform every project into a cinematic masterpiece.
-Modular builds onsite:
Reach 6', 9',12', 15', 18'
Height 12', 15', 18', 24'
-Max. Optical axis height: 24'
-Minimum length: 6’
-Back length of the arm: 3' and 6'
-Track: Standard or 1m
-Column maximum extension: 4'- 6'
-MAX Loading capacity: 55 LBS
-Required Power: 110V/16A

-Emmy winning operators and techs with over 35 years of Jib operating expeience in every genre including multicam studio and field shows as well as single camera film operations
-Includes Stanton Jimmy Jib 2-Axis Remote Heads with Broadcast and Cine Lens Compatable
-ARRI SRH 360 Stabilized Heads with ARRI Joystick Console (FIZ) or ARRI 3-Axis Wheels
-Wireless Crane ISO headsets
-Full Packages build for LIVE Multi-cam Broadcast or Film Unit Single Camera operations
-Track with SKATE 8 Custom Dolly Wheels
-Roll 60 Degree Heads
-Stabilized Roll Heads with 180 Degee roll